§ 38.2-3418.3. Coverage for hemophilia and congenital bleeding disorders.
A. Notwithstanding the provisions of § 38.2-3419, each insurer proposing toissue individual or group accident and sickness insurance policies providinghospital, medical and surgical, or major medical coverage on anexpense-incurred basis; each corporation providing individual or groupaccident and sickness subscription contracts; and each health maintenanceorganization providing a health care plan for health care services shallprovide coverage for hemophilia and congenital bleeding disorders under suchpolicy, contract or plan delivered, issued for delivery or renewed in thisCommonwealth on and after July 1, 1998.
B. For the purpose of this section:
"Blood infusion equipment" includes, but is not limited to, syringes andneedles.
"Blood product" includes, but is not limited to, Factor VII, Factor VIII,Factor IX, and cryoprecipitate.
"Hemophilia" means a lifelong hereditary bleeding disorder usuallyaffecting males that results in prolonged bleeding primarily into joints andmuscles.
"Home treatment program" means a program where individuals or familymembers are trained to provide infusion therapy at home in order to achieveoptimal health and cost effectiveness.
"State-approved hemophilia treatment center" means a hospital or clinicwhich receives federal or state Maternal and Child Health Bureau, and/orCenters for Disease Control funds to conduct comprehensive care for personswith hemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders.
C. The benefits to be provided shall include coverage for expenses incurredin connection with the treatment of routine bleeding episodes associated withhemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders. The benefits to beprovided shall include coverage for the purchase of blood products and bloodinfusion equipment required for home treatment of routine bleeding episodesassociated with hemophilia and other congenital bleeding disorders when thehome treatment program is under the supervision of the state-approvedhemophilia treatment center.
D. The provisions of this section shall not apply to short-term travel,accident only, limited or specified disease policies, policies or contractsdesigned for issuance to persons eligible for coverage under Title XVIII ofthe Social Security Act, known as Medicare, or to any other similar coverageunder state or federal governmental plans, or to short-term nonrenewablepolicies of not more than six months' duration.
(1998, cc. 43, 120.)