§ 38.2-3536. Proofs of loss.
A. Each group accident and sickness insurance policy shall contain aprovision that written proof of the loss shall be furnished to the insurerwithin ninety days after the date of the loss. In the case of a claim forloss of time for disability, each group accident and sickness insurancepolicy shall contain a provision that written proof of the loss shall befurnished to the insurer within ninety days after the commencement of theperiod for which the insurer is liable. Subsequent written proof of thecontinuance of the disability shall be furnished to the insurer at reasonableintervals required by the insurer.
B. Failure to furnish such proof within the prescribed time shall notinvalidate or reduce any claim if it was not reasonably possible to furnishthe proof within that time and the proof is furnished as soon as reasonablypossible. In no event, except in the absence of legal capacity of theclaimant, shall such proof be furnished later than one year from the timeproof is otherwise required.
(1986, c. 562.)