§ 38.2-3734. License requirements.
Any person who, in this Commonwealth, on behalf of an insurer licensed inthis Commonwealth, sells, solicits, or negotiates individual or grouppolicies of credit life insurance shall first apply for and obtain a licensefrom the Commission as either a life and annuities insurance agent or as alimited lines credit insurance agent as defined in § 38.2-1800. Any personwho, in this Commonwealth, on behalf of an insurer licensed in thisCommonwealth, sells, solicits, or negotiates individual or group policies ofcredit accident and sickness insurance, shall first apply for and obtain alicense from the Commission as either a health agent or as a limited linescredit insurance agent as defined in § 38.2-1800 of this title, and shall berequired to be appointed to represent such insurer in this Commonwealth asset forth in § 38.2-1833.
(1992, c. 586; 2001, c. 706.)