§ 38.2-4235. Confidential treatment of information and documents.
All information, documents and copies obtained by or disclosed to theCommission or any other person in the course of an examination orinvestigation made pursuant to § 38.2-4234, and all information reportedpursuant to § 38.2-4231, shall be confidential, shall not be subject tosubpoena, and shall not be made public by the Commission or any other personwithout the prior written consent of the nonstock corporation to which theypertain. However, this provision shall not apply to information disclosed to(i) a regulatory official of any state or country; (ii) the NationalAssociation of Insurance Commissioners, its affiliate or its subsidiary; or(iii) a law-enforcement authority of any state or country. Any suchdisclosure by the Commission shall not constitute a waiver of confidentialityof such information. After the licensed nonstock corporation and itsaffiliates have been given notice and opportunity to be heard, the Commissionmay publish all or any part of the information and materials referred to inthis section in any manner it considers appropriate, if it determines thatthe interests of subscribers or the public will be served by the publication.
(1989, c. 606; 2001, c. 519.)