§ 4.1-114. Annual review of operations of certain mixed beverage licensees.
The Board shall at least annually review the operations of each establishmentholding a mixed beverage restaurant license and each person holding acaterer's license to determine whether during the preceding license year suchlicensee has met the food-beverage ratio required by § 4.1-210. If not met,the license granted to such licensee may be suspended or revoked. If thelicense is revoked, no new license may be granted to the licensee withrespect to such establishment or catering business for at least one year fromthe date of the revocation. For the purposes of this section and § 4.1-210,"nonalcoholic beverage" shall not include any beverages, ice, water orother mixer served with an alcoholic beverage.
(1968, c. 7, § 4-98.7; 1980, c. 490; 1981, c. 565; 1986, c. 374; 1990, c.402; 1993, c. 866.)