§ 4.1-129. Local ordinances regulating time of sale of wine and beer.
The governing body of each county may adopt ordinances effective in thatportion of such county not embraced within the corporate limits of anyincorporated town, and the governing body of each city and town may adoptordinances effective in such city or town, prohibiting the sale of wine orbeer, or both, between the hours of twelve o'clock p.m. on each Saturday andsix o'clock a.m. on each Monday, or fixing hours within such period duringwhich wine or beer, or both, may be sold. Such governing bodies shallprovide for fines and other penalties for violations of any such ordinanceswhich shall be enforced as if the violations were Class 1 misdemeanors, witha right of appeal pursuant to § 16.1-106. Such ordinances shall not affectthe sale of wine and beer on common carriers of passengers by train, boat, orairplane.
A copy of any ordinance adopted pursuant to this section shall be certifiedby the clerk of the governing body adopting it and transmitted to the Board.
On and after the effective date of any ordinance adopted pursuant to thissection, no retail licensee authorized to sell wine or beer, or both, shallsell or permit the drinking of wine or beer on the premises of such licenseeduring the hours limited by the ordinance.
(Code 1950, § 4-97; 1993, c. 866.)