§ 4.1-206. Alcoholic beverage licenses.
The Board may grant the following licenses relating to alcoholic beveragesgenerally:
1. Distillers' licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to manufacturealcoholic beverages other than wine and beer, and to sell and deliver or shipthe same, in accordance with Board regulations, in closed containers, to theBoard and to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside theCommonwealth.
2. Fruit distillers' licenses, which shall authorize the licensee tomanufacture any alcoholic beverages made from fruit or fruit juices, and tosell and deliver or ship the same, in accordance with Board regulations, inclosed containers, to the Board and to persons outside the Commonwealth forresale outside the Commonwealth.
3. Banquet facility licenses to volunteer fire departments and volunteerrescue squads, which shall authorize the licensee to permit the consumptionof lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee byany person, and bona fide members and guests thereof, otherwise eligible fora banquet license. However, lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages shall notbe purchased or sold by the licensee or sold or charged for in any way by theperson permitted to use the premises. Such premises shall be a fire or rescuesquad station or both, regularly occupied as such and recognized by thegoverning body of the county, city or town in which it is located. Underconditions as specified by Board regulation, such premises may be other thana fire or rescue squad station, provided such other premises are occupied andunder the control of the fire department or rescue squad while the privilegesof its license are being exercised.
4. Bed and breakfast licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to servealcoholic beverages in dining areas, private guest rooms and other designatedareas to persons to whom overnight lodging is being provided, with or withoutmeals, for on-premises consumption only in such rooms and areas, and withoutregard to the amount of gross receipts from the sale of food prepared andconsumed on the premises.
5. Tasting licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to sell or givesamples of alcoholic beverages of the type specified in the license indesignated areas at events held by the licensee. A tasting license shall beissued for the purpose of featuring and educating the consuming public aboutthe alcoholic beverages being tasted. A separate license shall be requiredfor each day of each tasting event. No tasting license shall be required forconduct authorized by § 4.1-201.1.
6. Museum licenses, which may be issued to nonprofit museums exempt fromtaxation under § 501 (c) (3) of the Internal Revenue Code, which shallauthorize the licensee to (i) permit the consumption of lawfully acquiredalcoholic beverages on the premises of the licensee by any bona fide memberand guests thereof and (ii) serve alcoholic beverages on the premises of thelicensee to any bona fide member and guests thereof. However, alcoholicbeverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way by the licensee. Theprivileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the museum,regularly occupied and utilized as such.
7. Equine sporting event licenses, which may be issued to organizationsholding equestrian, hunt and steeplechase events, which shall authorize thelicensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverageson the premises of the licensee by patrons thereof during such event.However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way bythe licensee. The privileges of this license shall be (i) limited to thepremises of the licensee, regularly occupied and utilized for equestrian,hunt and steeplechase events and (ii) exercised on no more than four calendardays per year.
8. Day spa licenses, which shall authorize the licensee to (i) permit theconsumption of lawfully acquired wine or beer on the premises of the licenseeby any bona fide customer of the day spa and (ii) serve wine or beer on thepremises of the licensee to any such bona fide customer; however, thelicensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or one12-ounce glass of beer to any such customer, nor shall it sell or otherwisecharge a fee to such customer for the wine or beer served or consumed. Theprivileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the day sparegularly occupied and utilized as such.
9. Motor car sporting event facility licenses, which shall authorize thelicensee to permit the consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverageson the premises of the licensee by patrons thereof during such events.However, alcoholic beverages shall not be sold or charged for in any way,directly or indirectly, by the licensee. The privileges of this license shallbe limited to those areas of the licensee's premises designated by the Boardthat are regularly occupied and utilized for motor car sporting events.
10. Meal-assembly kitchen license, which shall authorize the licensee toserve wine or beer on the premises of the licensee to any such bona fidecustomer attending either a private gathering or a special event; however,the licensee shall not give more than two five-ounce glasses of wine or two12-ounce glasses of beer to any such customer, nor shall it sell or otherwisecharge a fee to such customer for the wine or beer served or consumed. Theprivileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of themeal-assembly kitchen regularly occupied and utilized as such.
11. Canal boat operator license, which shall authorize the licensee to permitthe consumption of lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises ofthe licensee by any bona fide customer attending either a private gatheringor a special event; however, the licensee shall not sell or otherwise chargea fee to such customer for the alcoholic beverages so consumed. Theprivileges of this license shall be limited to the premises of the licensee,including the canal, the canal boats while in operation, and any pathwaysadjacent thereto. Upon authorization of the licensee, any person may keep andconsume his own lawfully acquired alcoholic beverages on the premises in allareas and locations covered by the license.
(Code 1950, § 4-25; 1952, c. 535; 1956, c. 520; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210;1970, cc. 627, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408;1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, c. 190; 1979, c. 258; 1980,cc. 526, 528; 1981, cc. 410, 412; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 200; 1987, c. 365;1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, c. 707; 1991, c. 628; 1992, cc. 215, 350;1993, c. 866; 1996, cc. 584, 596; 1998, c. 489; 1999, c. 325; 2005, c. 911;2006, cc. 737, 826; 2007, c. 101; 2008, c. 198.)