§ 4.1-207.1. Restricted wholesale wine licenses.
The Board may grant a wholesale wine license to a nonprofit, nonstockcorporation created in accordance with subdivision B 5 of § 3.2-102, whichshall authorize the licensee to provide wholesale wine distribution servicesto winery and farm winery licensees, provided that no more than 3,000 casesof wine produced by a winery or farm winery licensee shall be distributed bythe corporation in any one year. The corporation shall provide suchdistribution services in accordance with the terms of a written agreementapproved by the corporation between it and the winery or farm winerylicensee, which shall comply with the provisions of this title and Boardregulations. The corporation shall receive all of the privileges of, and besubject to, all laws and regulations governing wholesale wine licensesgranted under subdivision 2 of § 4.1-207.
(2007, cc. 870, 932.)