§ 4.1-213. Manufacture and sale of cider.
A. Any winery licensee or farm winery licensee may manufacture and sell ciderto (i) the Board, (ii) any wholesale wine licensee, (iii) any retail licenseeapproved by the Board for the purpose of selling cider and (iv) personsoutside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.
B. Any wholesale wine licensee may acquire and receive shipments of cider,and sell and deliver and ship the cider in accordance with Board regulationsto (i) the Board, (ii) any wholesale wine licensee, (iii) any retail licenseeapproved by the Board for the purpose of selling cider and (iv) personsoutside the Commonwealth for resale outside the Commonwealth.
C. Any licensee authorized to sell alcoholic beverages at retail may sellcider in the same manner and to the same persons, and subject to the samelimitations and conditions, as such license authorizes him to sell otheralcoholic beverages.
D. No additional license fees shall be charged for the privilege of handlingcider.
E. The Board shall collect such markup as it deems appropriate on all cidermanufactured or sold, or both, in the Commonwealth.
F. The Board shall adopt regulations relating to the manufacture, possession,transportation and sale of cider as it deems necessary to prevent anyunlawful manufacture, possession, transportation or sale of cider and toensure that the markup required to be paid will be collected.
G. "Cider" means any beverage obtained by the fermentation of the naturalsugar content of apples, either with or without sugar, carbonated orotherwise, and containing not more than seven percent of alcohol by volume.
This section shall not limit the privileges set forth in subdivision A 8 of §4.1-200, nor shall any person be denied the privilege of manufacturing andselling sweet cider.
(Code 1950, § 4-27; 1978, c. 174; 1980, c. 324; 1992, c. 349; 1993, c. 866.)