§ 4.1-218. Limitation on wine and beer importers.
Wine importer licensees and beer importer licensees shall not sell anddeliver or ship any brand of beer or wine to wholesale licensees for thepurpose of resale until such importer has also complied with the provisionsof this section and Board regulations for each such brand.
Any licensed importer, if not also the owner of the brand to be imported intothe Commonwealth, shall provide to the Board written authorization from thebrand owner entitling the importer to (i) sell and deliver or ship such brandinto the Commonwealth and (ii) establish written agreements of a definiteduration and within the meaning of the Wine Franchise Act (§ 4.1-400 et seq.)and the Beer Franchise Act (§ 4.1-500 et seq.), on behalf of the brand owner,as its authorized representative, with each wholesale licensee to whom theimporter sells any brand of beer or wine owned by the brand owner. Inaddition, each such licensed importer shall file and maintain with the Boarda current list of all wholesale licensees authorized by such importer, as theauthorized representative of the brand owner, to distribute such brand withinthe Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 4-25; 1952, c. 535; 1956, c. 520; 1962, c. 532; 1964, c. 210;1970, cc. 627, 723; 1972, c. 679; 1973, c. 343; 1974, c. 267; 1975, c. 408;1976, cc. 134, 447, 496, 703; 1977, c. 439; 1978, c. 190; 1979, c. 258; 1980,cc. 526, 528; 1981, cc. 410, 412; 1982, c. 66; 1984, c. 200; 1987, c. 365;1988, c. 893; 1989, c. 42; 1990, c. 707; 1991, c. 628; 1992, cc. 215, 350;1993, c. 866.)