§ 4.1-221.1. Limitation of tasting licenses.
Samples of alcoholic beverages given or sold by a licensee shall not exceedtwo ounces per person of each product tasted, provided that (i) in the caseof wine or beer, no more than four products shall be offered or (ii) in thecase of spirits, no more than two products shall be offered. Tasting licensesfor mixed beverages shall only be issued for events to be held in localitieswhich have approved the sale of mixed beverages pursuant to § 4.1-124. Nolicense shall be issued to any person to whom issuance of a retail license isprohibited. No more than four tasting licenses annually shall be issued toany person. The provisions of this section shall not apply to tastingsconducted pursuant to § 4.1-201.1.
(1996, cc. 584, 596; 2006, c. 826.)