§ 4.1-226. Grounds for which Board shall suspend or revoke licenses.
The Board shall suspend or revoke any license, other than a brewery license,in which case the Board may impose penalties as provided in § 4.1-227, if itfinds that:
1. A licensee has violated or permitted the violation of § 18.2-331, relatingto the illegal possession of a gambling device, upon the premises for whichthe Board has granted a license for the sale of alcoholic beverages to thepublic.
2. In the licensed establishment of a mixed beverage licensee there (i) isentertainment of an obscene nature, entertainment commonly calledstripteasing, topless entertaining, or entertainment that has employees whoare not clad both above and below the waist or (ii) are employees who solicitthe sale of alcoholic beverages. The provisions of clause (i) shall not applyto persons operating theaters, concert halls, art centers, museums, orsimilar establishments that are devoted primarily to the arts or theatricalperformances, when the performances that are presented are expressing mattersof serious literary, artistic, scientific, or political value.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-335; 1960, c. 358, § 4-37.1; 1968, c. 7, § 4-98.9; 1974,c. 548; 1975, c. 224; 1993, c. 866; 2008, c. 794.)