§ 4.1-228. Suspension or revocation; disposition of beverages on hand;termination.
A. Alcoholic beverages, other than beer and wine, owned by or in possessionof, or for sale by, any licensee at the time the license of such person issuspended or revoked may be disposed of as follows:
1. Sold by such person to the Board at prices and terms agreed upon by theBoard and such person;
2. Sold to persons in the Commonwealth licensed to sell such alcoholicbeverages upon permits granted by the Board and conditions specified by theBoard; or
3. Sold to persons outside the Commonwealth for resale outside theCommonwealth upon permits granted by the Board.
B. Beer and wine owned and in possession of, or either, or for sale by, anylicensee at the time the license of such person is suspended or revoked maybe sold to any person authorized to purchase the same for resale upon permitsgranted by the Board and upon payment of any excise tax due thereon.
C. All alcoholic beverages owned by or in possession of any person whoselicense is suspended or revoked shall be disposed of by such person inaccordance with the provisions of this section within sixty days from thedate of such suspension or revocation.
D. Alcoholic beverages owned by, or in possession of, or for sale by personswhose licenses have been terminated other than by suspension or revocationmay be disposed of in accordance with subsections A or B within such time asthe Board deems proper. Such period shall not be less than sixty days.
E. All alcoholic beverages owned by or remaining in the possession of anyperson described in subsections A, B, or D after the expiration of suchperiod shall be deemed contraband and forfeited to the Commonwealth inaccordance with the provisions of § 4.1-338.
(Code 1950, § 4-37; 1956, c. 521; 1970, cc. 545, 676; 1976, cc. 696, 698,702; 1978, c. 579; 1979, c. 537; 1980, c. 299; 1981, cc. 24, 586, 600; 1982,c. 214; 1983, c. 608; 1984, cc. 180, 200, 703; 1985, c. 559; 1986, cc. 101,318, 615; 1987, c. 252; 1991, c. 468; 1992, cc. 161, 820; 1993, c. 866.)