§ 4.1-402. Applicability.
This chapter shall apply to all agreements in effect on or after February 18,1989, and any renewal or amendment of such agreements. For the purposes ofthis chapter, an agreement shall be deemed to be in effect or renewed orcontinued in effect when any of the following acts occur after February 18,1989:
1. The shipment, preparation for shipment or acceptance of any order by awinery or its agents for any wine to a wine wholesaler within theCommonwealth; and
2. The payment by a wine wholesaler and the acceptance of payment by anywinery or its agents for the shipment of an order of wine intended for salein the Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 4-118.38; 1985, c. 542, § 4-118.58; 1989, c. 10; 1993, c. 866.)