§ 40.1-10. Offenses in regard to examinations, inspections, etc.
If any person who may be sworn to give testimony shall willfully fail orrefuse to answer any legal and proper question propounded to him concerningthe subject of such examination as indicated in § 40.1-6, or if any person towhom a written or printed list of such interrogatories has been furnished bythe Commissioner shall neglect or refuse to answer fully and return the sameunder oath, or if any person in charge of any business establishment shallrefuse admission to, or obstruct in any manner the inspection orinvestigation of such establishment or the proper performance of theauthorized duties of the Commissioner or any of his representatives, he shallbe guilty of a misdemeanor. Such person, upon conviction thereof, shall befined not exceeding $100 nor less than $25 or imprisoned in jail notexceeding 90 days, or both.
(Code 1950, § 40-8; 1962, c. 66; 1970, c. 321.)