§ 40.1-2.1. Application of title to Commonwealth and its agencies, etc.;safety and health program for public employees.
The provisions of this title and any rules and regulations promulgatedpursuant thereto shall not apply to the Commonwealth or any of its agencies,institutions, or political subdivisions, or any public body, unless, and tothe extent that, coverage is extended by specific regulation of theCommissioner or the Safety and Health Codes Board. The Commissioner isauthorized to establish and maintain an effective and comprehensiveoccupational safety and health program applicable to employees of theCommonwealth, its agencies, institutions, political subdivisions, or anypublic body. Such program shall be subject to any State plan submitted to thefederal government for State enforcement of the Federal Occupational Safetyand Health Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-596), or any other regulation promulgatedunder Title 40.1. The Commissioner shall establish procedures for enforcingthe program which shall include provisions for fair hearings includingjudicial review and sanctions to be applied for violations.
(1973, c. 425.)