§ 40.1-8. Other officers to furnish information; protected health informationunder certain circumstances.
A. All State, county, town and city officers shall furnish the Commissioner,upon his request, such statistical or other information as may be in theirpossession as such officers that will assist the Department in the dischargeof its duties.
B. In the discharge of his duties to ensure compliance with federal law andregulation relating to the health and safety of Virginia's workforce andprevention of work-related injuries, disabilities, and deaths, each licensedemergency medical services agency shall release to the Commissioner or hisdesignee the prehospital patient care report required by § 32.1-116.1 whensuch records are requested for a patient who has suffered an injury,disability or death resulting from an accident or illness that occurred whileengaged in his employment without obtaining consent or authorization for suchdisclosure from the person who is the subject of the records. The patient'shealth records shall be confidential. The Commissioner and any designee shallonly redisclose such protected health information in compliance with theregulations concerning patient privacy promulgated by the federal Departmentof Health and Human Services in compliance with the Health InsurancePortability and Accountability Act of 1996, as amended.
(Code 1950, § 40-6; 1962, c. 66; 1970, c. 321; 2004, c. 163.)