§ 40.1-51.11:1. Owner-user inspection agencies.
Any person, firm, partnership or corporation operating pressure vessels inthis Commonwealth may seek approval and registration as an owner-userinspection agency by filing an application with the chief inspector on formsprescribed and available from the Department, and request approval by theBoard. Each application shall be accompanied by a fee as set under subsectionA of § 40.1-51.15 and a bond in the penal sum of $5,000 which shall continueto be valid during the time the approval and registration of the company asan owner-user inspection agency is in effect. Applicants meeting therequirements of the rules and regulations for approval as owner-userinspection agencies will be approved and registered by the Board. The Boardshall withdraw the approval and registration as an owner-user inspectionagency of any person, firm, partnership or corporation which fails to complywith all rules and regulations applicable to owner-user inspection agencies.Each owner-user inspection agency shall file an annual statement as requiredby the rules and regulations, accompanied by a filing fee as set undersubsection A of § 40.1-51.15.
(1974, c. 195; 1986, c. 266; 1997, c. 212.)