§ 40.1-51.12. Violation for operating boiler or pressure vessel withoutinspection certificate; civil penalty.
A. After twelve months following July 1, 1972, it shall be unlawful for anyperson, firm, partnership or corporation to operate in this Commonwealth aboiler or pressure vessel without a valid inspection certificate. Any owner,user, operator or agent of any such person who actually operates or isresponsible for operating such boiler or pressure vessel thereof who operatesa boiler or pressure vessel without such inspection certificate, or at apressure exceeding that specified in such inspection certificate shall be inviolation of this section and subject to a civil penalty not to exceed $100.Each day of such violation shall be deemed a separate offense.
B. All procedural rights guaranteed to employers pursuant to § 40.1-49.4shall apply to penalties under this section.
C. Investigation and enforcement for violations of this section shall becarried out by the Department of Labor and Industry. Civil penalties imposedfor violations of this section shall be paid into the general fund.
(1972, c. 237; 1995, c. 97.)