§ 40.1-51.15. Fees.
A. The Safety and Health Codes Board shall establish fees required under thischapter. Following the close of any biennium, when the account for the Safetyand Health Codes Board shows expenses allocated to it for the past bienniumto be more than ten percent greater or less than moneys collected on behalfof the Board, it shall revise the fees levied by it for licensure and renewalthereof so that the fees are sufficient but not excessive to cover expenses.Such revisions, and the underlying rationale, shall be included in theDepartment's Annual Report submitted pursuant to § 40.1-4.1.
B. The owner or user of a boiler or pressure vessel required by this chapterto be reviewed shall pay directly to the Commissioner, upon completion ofinspection, fees in accordance with the following schedule:
1. Conducting or participating in reviews and surveys of boiler or pressurevessel manufacturers or repair organizations for the purpose of nationalaccreditation, shall be charged a fee as set under subsection A per review orsurvey.
2. a. All other inspections, including variance reviews, emergency repairreviews, and reviews of secondhand or used boilers or pressure vessels madeby the Commissioner or his appointed representative shall be charged a fee asset under subsection A.
b. "Secondhand" shall mean an object which has changed ownership andlocation after primary use.
C. The Commissioner shall transfer all fees so received to the StateTreasurer for deposit into the general fund of the state treasury.
(1972, c. 237; 1985, c. 40; 1986, c. 266; 1988, c. 289; 1993, c. 544; 1995,c. 97; 1997, c. 212.)