§ 40.1-30. Registration of certain nonresident employers with Department.
(a) Any employer domiciled without this Commonwealth and performing anydemolition, excavation, installation, paving, repair, maintenance, erectionor construction work within this Commonwealth for a fixed price, commission,fee or percentage, when the cost of the undertaking, order, contract orsubcontract is not less than $300 nor more than $60,000, shall, prior to thecommencement of each such undertaking or the performance of each such order,contract or subcontract, register with the Department, at Richmond, on suchform as may be prescribed by said Department, providing thereon theemployer's name and address, the name and address of the employer's chiefofficer or owner, the name and address of the person in charge of the workbeing done, the type of work to be done, the date work will commence, thespecific location of the work, the name of the person, firm, corporation,partnership or association for whom the work is being performed, the cost ofthe undertaking or the amount of the order, contract or subcontract and theapproximate number of persons employed by the employer in said undertaking orperformance, including the rates of pay and the number of persons employed ateach rate and shall be submitted to the Department with a United Statespostal service money order or check drawn in favor of the State Treasurer inthe amount of $100 for annual registration or $25 for registration for aspecific job. Provided, however, nothing in this section shall apply to anysuch contractor who is registered under the provisions of Title 54.1, Chapter11. Provided further, that any such employer may apply to the Department forannual registration which, if granted, shall relieve such employer fromregistration of each specific contract. Annual registration may be granted ifthe Department shall ascertain that such employer has a permanent anddefinite place of business outside this Commonwealth.
(b) Any employer failing to register with the Department as required by thissection shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction shall be finednot less than $100 nor more than $500. Each day's failure to register shallconstitute a separate offense.
(c) This section shall be enforceable by the Commissioner and all officersempowered to enforce the criminal laws of this Commonwealth.
(Code 1950, § 40-24.1; 1966, c. 614; 1968, c. 106; 1970, c. 321; 1972, c.241; 1979, c. 484.)