§ 40.1-139. Definitions.
As used in this chapter:
"American Board of Industrial Hygiene" or "ABIH" means a nonprofitcorporation established to improve the practice and educational standards ofthe profession of industrial hygiene by certifying individuals who meet itseducation, experience, examination and maintenance requirements.
"Associate Safety Professional" or "ASP" means an individual who has beencertified by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals as an AssociateSafety Professional and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Board of Certified Safety Professionals" or "BCSP" means a nonprofitcorporation established to improve the practice and educational standards ofthe safety profession by certifying individuals who meet its education,experience, examination, and maintenance requirements.
"Certified Associate Industrial Hygienist" or "CAIH" means an individualwho has been certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene as aCertified Associate Industrial Hygienist and whose certification has notlapsed or been revoked.
"Certified Industrial Hygienist" or "CIH" means an individual who hasbeen certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene as a CertifiedIndustrial Hygienist and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Certified Safety Professional" or "CSP" means an individual who has beencertified by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals as a CertifiedSafety Professional and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Construction Health and Safety Technologist" or "CHST" means anindividual who, by virtue of education, experience and examination, has beencertified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and the Board ofCertified Safety Professionals as a Construction Health and SafetyTechnologist and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Industrial Hygiene" means the science and art devoted to the anticipation,recognition, evaluation, and control of environmental factors and stressesarising in or from the workplace that may cause sickness, impaired health andwell-being, or significant discomfort among workers, and that may also affectthe workplace's community.
"Industrial Hygienist in Training" or "IHIT" means an individualcertified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene as an IndustrialHygienist in Training and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Occupational Health and Safety Technologist" or "OHST" means anindividual certified by the American Board of Industrial Hygiene and theBoard of Certified Safety Professionals as an Occupational Health and SafetyTechnologist and whose certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
"Safety Profession" means the science and discipline concerned with thepreservation of human and material resources through the systematicapplication of principles drawn from technological advancements in the fieldsof education, design, chemistry, the physical and biological sciences,ergonomics, psychology, physiology, and management for anticipating,identifying and evaluating potentially hazardous systems, conditions andpractices, and for developing, implementing, administering, and advisingothers on hazard control design, methods, procedures, and programs.
(2001, c. 742.)