§ 40.1-140. Prohibited actions.
A. No person shall use in conjunction with his name the letters or words"Industrial Hygienist in Training," "IHIT," "Certified AssociateIndustrial Hygienist," "CAIH," "Certified Industrial Hygienist,""CIH," or a variation of those words, or represent to the public that he iscertified as such, unless he possesses the applicable certification issued bythe American Board of Industrial Hygiene.
B. No person shall use in conjunction with his name the letters or words"Associate Safety Professional," "ASP," "Certified SafetyProfessional," "CSP," or a variation of those words, or represent to thepublic that he is certified as such, unless he possesses the applicablecertification issued by the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
C. No person shall use in conjunction with his name the letters or words"Occupational Health and Safety Technologist," "OHST," "ConstructionHealth and Safety Technologist," "CHST," or variation of those words, orrepresent to the public that he is certified as such, unless he possesses theapplicable certification issued by the American Board of Industrial Hygieneand the Board of Certified Safety Professionals.
D. No person shall represent to the public that he is an Industrial Hygienistin Training, Certified Associate Industrial Hygienist, Certified IndustrialHygienist, Associate Safety Professional, Certified Safety Professional,Construction Health and Safety Technologist, or Occupational Health andSafety Technologist unless he has been certified as such by the ABIH, BCSP,or both, as applicable, and such certification has not lapsed or been revoked.
(2001, c. 742.)