§ 41.1-18. Same; subsequent proceedings; disposition of proceeds of sale.
Thereafter the proceedings shall conform, mutatis mutandis, to the provisionsof Article 4 (§ 58.1-3965 et seq.) of Chapter 39 of Title 58.1 but on themotion of any party the sale of such land shall be public. From the proceedsof sale, after the expenses of suit and other costs incident to the sale, theperson instituting the proceeding shall be reimbursed his deposit and costsexpended up to the time the proceeding is docketed; but if such proceeds beinsufficient to pay the expenses of suit and other costs incidental to thesale, the deficiency shall be paid by the person, county or city institutingthe suit. The remainder left from the proceeds of sale after the payment ofcosts, expenses of suit and other expenses of sale shall be paid into thetreasury of the county or city, as the case may be.
(Code 1950, § 41-87; 1952, c. 185; 1970, c. 291.)