§ 41.1-8. When grant invalid; when Commonwealth's right relinquished to landsettled on.
No grant of any land which shall have been settled continuously for fiveyears previously, upon which taxes shall have been paid at any time withinsuch five years by the person having settled the same, or any person claimingunder him, shall be valid; and any title which the Commonwealth may have tosuch land shall be relinquished to the person in possession of the landclaiming the same under such settlement and payment to the extent of theboundary line enclosing the same. But such boundary line shall not includemore than 1,500 acres; and any person who has made such settlement and paidsuch taxes, or anyone claiming under him, may have the land surveyed, andprove the settlement and payment before the circuit court of the county wherethe land, or a greater part thereof, lies, whereupon such court shall orderthe plat and certificate of survey to be recorded. Such record shall beconclusive evidence in any controversy between the claimant thereunder andany person claiming under a location of the land made after the date of suchorder. This section shall relate as well to land forfeited for nonpayment oftaxes, or for the failure to have the same entered on the commissioner'sbooks, or both those causes, and to land escheated or escheatable, as towaste and unappropriated lands.
(Code 1950, § 41-39; 1970, c. 291.)