§ 41.1-9. Lost records and papers in chains of title; bill in equity toestablish ownership.
If any record or paper constituting a link in the chain of title to any tractor parcel of land in this Commonwealth, has been or shall be lost ordestroyed, and no authenticated copy thereof can be found, it shall be lawfulfor the person or persons, claiming the ownership of such tract or parcel ofland, to file in the circuit court of the county, or circuit court of thecity, in which such land, or the greater part thereof, is situated, a bill inequity, setting forth the circumstances of such loss or destruction, andgiving a history of the title and possession of such tract or parcel of land,and a full description thereof, with the names of the persons in possessionof the conterminous parcels. All persons appearing to have an interest insuch lands, or to be in possession thereof, or of any adjoining parcel, shallbe either plaintiffs or defendants, and the proceedings to mature the causeshall be the same as in other suits in equity, except that in every casethere shall be an order of publication, setting forth briefly the purpose ofthe proceeding and notifying all persons interested to appear and look aftertheir interests.
(Code 1950, § 41-68; 1970, c. 291.)