§ 42.1-18. Exchanges; donation, etc., of duplicate material.
The Library may arrange for the exchange of the Virginia publications withsuch states and institutions, the general government and other governments,societies and others, as it sees fit. Publications received on exchange areto become the property of The Library of Virginia, except statute and lawbooks, which shall be placed in the Law Library. The Library may also, whendeemed advantageous, donate, exchange or sell any or all duplicate materialnow or hereafter the property of The Library of Virginia, and other printedmaterial not within the scope of its collections. The Librarian of Virginiashall keep an accurate account of all such sales and pay the money arisingtherefrom into the general fund of the state treasury.
(Code 1950, § 42-56; 1970, c. 606; 1994, c. 64; 1998, c. 427.)