§ 42.1-2. The Library of Virginia under direction of Library Board;membership; chairman and vice-chairman; committees and advisory bodies.
The Library of Virginia shall be directed by a board, consisting of fifteenmembers, to be appointed by the Governor, which shall be and remain acorporation under the style of "The Library Board," sometimes in thischapter called the Board. Prior to such appointments the Board may submit tothe Governor lists of candidates based upon interest and knowledge,geographic representation, participation in community affairs, and concernfor the welfare of the Commonwealth. In no case shall the Governor be boundto make any appointment from among the nominees of the Board. The Board shallmeet and organize by electing from its number a chairman and vice-chairman.It shall have the power to appoint such committees and advisory bodies as itdeems advisable.
(Code 1950, § 42-34; 1968, c. 122; 1970, c. 606; 1986, c. 565; 1987, c. 458;1994, c. 64.)