§ 42.1-33. Power of local governments to establish and support libraries.
The governing body of any city, county or town shall have the power toestablish a free public library for the use and benefit of its residents. Thegoverning body shall provide sufficient support for the operation of thelibrary by levying a tax therefor, either by special levy or as a fund of thegeneral levy of the city, county or town. The word "support" as used inthis chapter shall include but is not limited to, purchase of land forlibrary buildings, purchase or erection of buildings for library purposes,purchase of library books, materials and equipment, compensation of librarypersonnel, and all maintenance expenses for library property and equipment.Funds appropriated or contributed for public library purposes shallconstitute a separate fund and shall not be used for any but public librarypurposes.
(1970, c. 606.)