§ 42.1-39. Regional library boards generally.
The members of the board of a regional library system shall be appointed bythe respective governing bodies represented. If the board of the regionallibrary system is composed of two or more members from each county, city andtown that is a part thereof, then each governing body represented on theboard may appoint a member or an employee of the governing body to the board.Such members shall in the beginning draw lots for expiration of terms, toprovide for staggered terms of office, and thereafter the appointment shallbe for a term of four years. Vacancies shall be filled for unexpired terms assoon as possible in the manner in which members are regularly chosen. Noappointive member shall be eligible to serve more than two successive terms.A member shall not receive a salary or other compensation for services asmember, but necessary expenses actually incurred shall be paid from thelibrary fund. A regional board member may be removed for misconduct orneglect of duty by the governing body making the appointment. The boardmembers shall elect officers and adopt such bylaws, rules and regulations fortheir own guidance and for the government of the regional free library systemas may be expedient. They shall have control of the expenditure of all moneyscredited to the regional free library fund. The regional board shall have theright to accept donations and bequests of money, personal property, or realestate for the establishment and maintenance of such regional free librarysystem or endowments for same.
(1970, c. 606; 1985, c. 278.)