§ 42.1-52. Standards of eligibility for aid; reports on operation oflibraries; supervision of services.
The Board shall establish standards under which library systems and librariesshall be eligible for state aid and may require reports on the operation ofall libraries receiving state aid.
As long as funds are available, grants shall be made to the variouslibraries, library systems or contracting libraries applying for state aid inthe order in which they meet the standards established by the Board.
In the event that any library meets the standards of the State Library Boardbut is unable to conform to § 42.1-15.1 relating to the employment ofqualified librarians, the Library Board may, under a contractual agreementwith such library, provide professional supervision of its services and maygrant state aid funds to it in reduced amounts under a uniform plan to beadopted by the State Library Board.
(Code 1950, § 42-28; 1960, c. 235; 1970, c. 606; 1988, c. 716.)