§ 42.1-62. Additions to Library.
The Supreme Court shall, from time to time, make additions to the State LawLibrary by purchases, and may lease or purchase computer terminals for thepurpose of retrieving available legal reference data, with funds at itsdisposal for these purposes, and may cause books to be transferred from onelaw library to another. All law books acquired by the Commonwealth by gift,or by exchange, from the United States, or other states and countries, shallbe placed in the Library. The Director of the Department of Purchases andSupply shall have placed in the State Law Library at Richmond, and in thebranch thereof at Staunton, a copy of every law book required by §§ 17.1-319and 30-34.5.
(Code 1950, § 42-15; 1970, c. 606; 1977, c. 397.)