§ 42.1-82. Duties and powers of Library Board.
A. The State Library Board shall:
1. Issue regulations concerning procedures for the disposal, physicaldestruction or other disposition of public records containing social securitynumbers. The procedures shall include all reasonable steps to destroy suchdocuments by (i) shredding, (ii) erasing, or (iii) otherwise modifying thesocial security numbers in those records to make them unreadable orundecipherable by any means.
2. Issue regulations and guidelines designed to facilitate the creation,preservation, storage, filing, reformatting, management, and destruction ofpublic records by agencies. Such regulations shall mandate procedures forrecords management and include recommendations for the creation, retention,disposal, or other disposition of public records.
B. The State Library Board may establish advisory committees composed ofpersons with expertise in the matters under consideration to assist theLibrary Board in developing regulations and guidelines.
(1976, c. 746; 1977, c. 501; 1981, c. 637; 1990, c. 778; 1994, cc. 64, 955;2003, cc. 914, 918; 2005, c. 787; 2006, c. 60.)