§ 42.1-85. Records Management Program; agencies to cooperate; agencies todesignate records officer.
A. The Library of Virginia shall administer a records management program forthe application of efficient and economical methods for managing thelifecycle of public records consistent with regulations and guidelinespromulgated by the State Library Board, including operation of a recordscenter or centers. The Library of Virginia shall establish procedures andtechniques for the effective management of public records, make continuingsurveys of records and records keeping practices, and recommend improvementsin current records management practices, including the use of space,equipment, software, and supplies employed in creating, maintaining, andservicing records.
B. Any agency with public records shall cooperate with The Library ofVirginia in conducting surveys. Each agency shall establish and maintain anactive, continuing program for the economical and efficient management of therecords of such agency. The agency shall be responsible for ensuring that itspublic records are preserved, maintained, and accessible throughout theirlifecycle, including converting and migrating electronic records as often asnecessary so that information is not lost due to hardware, software, or mediaobsolescence or deterioration. Any public official who converts or migratesan electronic record shall ensure that it is an accurate copy of the originalrecord. The converted or migrated record shall have the force of the original.
C. Each state agency and political subdivision of this Commonwealth shalldesignate as many as appropriate, but at least one, records officer to serveas a liaison to The Library of Virginia for the purposes of implementing andoverseeing a records management program, and coordinating legal disposition,including destruction, of obsolete records. Designation of state agencyrecords officers shall be by the respective agency head. Designation of arecords officer for political subdivisions shall be by the governing body orchief administrative official of the political subdivision. Each entityresponsible for designating a records officer shall provide The Library ofVirginia with the name and contact information of the designated recordsofficer, and shall ensure that such information is updated in a timely mannerin the event of any changes.
D. The Library of Virginia shall develop and make available training andeducation opportunities concerning the requirements of and compliance withthis chapter for records officers in the Commonwealth.
(1976, c. 746; 1990, c. 778; 1994, c. 64; 1998, c. 427; 2006, c. 60.)