§ 43-1. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, the term "general contractor" includescontractors, laborers, mechanics, and persons furnishing materials, whocontract directly with the owner, and the term "subcontractor" includes allsuch contractors, laborers, mechanics, and persons furnishing materials, whodo not contract with the owner but with the general contractor. As used inthis chapter, the term "owner" shall not be construed to mean any personholding bare legal title under an instrument to secure a debt or indemnify asurety. As used in this chapter, the term "mechanics' lien agent" means aperson (i) designated in writing by the owner of real estate or a personauthorized to act on behalf of the owner of such real estate and (ii) whoconsents to act, as the owner's designee for purposes of receiving noticepursuant to § 43-4.01. Such person shall be an attorney at law licensed topractice in the Commonwealth, a title insurance company authorized to writetitle insurance in the Commonwealth or one of its subsidiaries or licensedtitle insurance agents, or a financial institution authorized to acceptdeposits and to hold itself out to the public as engaged in the banking orsavings institution business in the Commonwealth or a service corporation,subsidiary or affiliate of such financial institution. Any such person mayperform mechanics' lien agent services as any legal entity. Provided thatnothing herein shall be construed to affect pending litigation.
(Code 1919, § 6426; 1922, p. 867; 1932, p. 332; 1977, c. 294; 1992, cc. 779,787; 1994, c. 382; 2010, c. 341.)