§ 43-17.1. Hearing on validity of lien.
Any party, having an interest in real property against which a lien has beenfiled, may, upon a showing of good cause, petition the court of equity havingjurisdiction wherein the building, structure, other property, or railroad islocated to hold a hearing to determine the validity of any perfected lien onthe property. After reasonable notice to the lien claimant and any party towhom the benefit of the lien would inure and who has given notice as providedin § 43-18 of the Code of Virginia, the court shall hold a hearing anddetermine the validity of the lien. If the court finds that the lien isinvalid, it shall forthwith order that the memorandum or notice of lien bereleased from record.
(1975, c. 380; 2010, c. 352.)