§ 43-22. How liens enforced.
The liens created and perfected under this chapter may be enforced in a courtof equity by a bill filed in the county or city wherein the building,structure, or railroad, or some part thereof is situated, or wherein theowner, or if there be more than one, any of them, resides. The plaintiffshall file with his bill an itemized statement of his account, showing theamount and character of the work done or materials furnished, the pricescharged therefor, the payments made, if any, the balance due, and the timefrom which interest is claimed thereon, the correctness of which accountshall be verified by the affidavit of himself, or his agent. When suit isbrought for the enforcement of any such lien against the property boundthereby, all parties entitled to such liens upon the property or any portionthereof may file petitions in such suit asking for the enforcement of theirrespective liens to have the same effect as if an independent suit werebrought by each claimant.
(Code 1919, § 6437; 1920, p. 485.)