§ 43-25. Perfection and enforcement of lien.
No person shall be entitled to the lien given by § 43-24 unless he shall,within ninety days after the last item of his bill becomes due and payablefor which such supplies are furnished or service rendered, file in theclerk's office of the circuit court of the county or circuit court of thecity in which is located the chief office in this Commonwealth of the companyagainst which the claim is, or in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court ofthe City of Richmond when such office is in the city, or within that timeshall file with the receiver, trustee or assignee of such company, amemorandum of the amount and consideration of his claim, and the time ortimes when the same is, or will become due and payable, verified byaffidavit, which memorandum, if filed with the clerk or in his office, theclerk shall forthwith record in the miscellaneous lien book and index thesame in the name of the claimant and also in the name of the company againstwhich the claim is, as required by § 43-4. Any such lien may be enforced in acourt of equity.
(Code 1919, § 6439; 1928, p. 760.)