§ 43-41. Lien on offspring of stallion or jackass.
When the owner of a mare or jennet breeds the same to any stallion or jackasswhereby such mare or jennet shall become in foal and is delivered of a livecolt, the owner of any such stallion or jackass shall have a lien upon thecolt for a period of twelve months, or until the price agreed upon for theseason or service by the owner of the stallion or jackass and the owner ofthe mare or jennet be paid. Such lien shall not extend for a longer periodthan twelve months, and after judgment has been taken for the amount of suchfee, then, unless the same is paid, the officer in whose hands the fierifacias is placed for collection may proceed to levy on and sell such colt forthe aforesaid fieri facias and costs, and he shall be entitled to the samefees for his services as is provided for by the existing law.
(Code 1919, § 6446; Tax Code, § 439.)