§ 43-64. How notices served, acts done, etc., in case of bankruptcy, death orabsconding.
Whenever any act is required to be done by, or notice is to be given to, aperson mentioned in any section of this title, or of Chapter 17 (§ 8.01-426et seq.) of Title 8.01, if such person become bankrupt, the act may be doneby, or the notice given to, either the bankrupt or his trustee; or if suchperson die, the act may be done by, or the notice given to, his personalrepresentative; or if he abscond, the notice may be given to any person overthe age of sixteen years found at his last known place of business orresidence, or if no such person be found there, by posting the same at thefront door of such place of business or residence, or at some otherconspicuous part of the building, or he may be proceeded against by order ofpublication as a nonresident of the Commonwealth.
(Code 1919, § 6442; 1944, p. 338.)