§ 43-65. Protection of assignees, transferees or endorsees of debts securedby mechanics' or crop liens.
Whenever any debt secured on real estate or personal property by a mechanics'or crop lien has been assigned, transferred or endorsed to another, in wholeor in part by the original payee thereof, such payee, assignee, transferee orendorsee, may cause a memorandum or statement of the assignment to suchassignee, transferee, or endorsee to be entered on the margin of the page inthe book where such encumbrance securing the same is recorded, whichmemorandum or statement shall be signed by the assignor, transferrer, orendorser, his duly authorized agent or attorney, and when so signed and thesignature thereto attested by the clerk in whose office such encumbrance isrecorded the same shall operate as a notice of such assignment and transfer.And where such transfer by the payee is so entered on the margin of theproper book subsequent transfers may likewise be entered in the same mannerand with like effect. Provided, however, this section shall not apply toconditional sales contracts of personal property.
(Code 1919, § 6457; 1932, p. 548; 1934, p. 249.)