§ 43-66. Purchaser not affected by liens of Mutual Assurance Society againstFire.
The lien of the Mutual Assurance Society against Fire on buildings in theCommonwealth of Virginia upon property insured therein for quotas assessedagainst the policies of such property owners shall not be valid againstpurchasers of such property for valuable consideration without notice of theexistence of such insurance, except from the time the Society shall havecomplied with the provisions of this section. The Society shall have preparedand kept in the clerk's office of the Circuit Court of the City of Richmond,and of the circuit court of each county and the circuit court of each city inwhich the Society insures property, a book to be called the "MutualAssurance Society's Lien Book." Such book when left with the clerk shallbecome a public record and shall be kept open to the inspection of thepublic. The Society shall have entered in such book a brief description ofthe property insured by it upon which it claims a lien, the date and amountof the policy and the name of the parties to whom the policy was issued, andthe date of the entry shall be made in such book.
(Code 1919, § 6458.)