§ 44-108. Officers and enlisted persons personally liable for militaryproperty.
Every officer and enlisted person to whom any article of military property isdelivered in pursuance of the provisions of this chapter shall be heldpersonally responsible for its care, safekeeping, and return. He shall usethe same for military purposes only, and upon receiving a discharge, orotherwise leaving the military service, or upon demand of his commandingofficer or the Adjutant General, shall forthwith surrender and deliver suchproperty in as good order and condition as the same was at the time hereceived it, reasonable fair wear and tear excepted. As insurance forcompliance with the provisions of this chapter, the Adjutant General mayrequire the bonding of any or all such officers or enlisted persons in anamount that he may deem appropriate, commensurate with the responsibilitiesof such officers or enlisted persons. The cost of such bonds shall be bornefrom funds appropriated for the operation of the Department of MilitaryAffairs, and shall be without cost to the individual officer and/or enlistedperson bonded.
(1930, p. 969; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(93); 1958, c. 393.)