§ 44-11. Department of Military Affairs; Adjutant General.
There is hereby created the Department of Military Affairs to which istransferred all of the functions, powers and duties of the former Division ofMilitary Affairs.
The Governor shall appoint an Adjutant General with the rank of brigadiergeneral, major general or lieutenant general as the Governor may prescribe,subject to confirmation by the General Assembly if in session, and if not insession, then at its next succeeding session. The Adjutant General shall nothold the rank of lieutenant general unless such rank is federally recognized.The Adjutant General shall be in direct charge of the Department of MilitaryAffairs and shall be responsible to the Governor and commander in chief forthe proper performance of his duties. All the powers conferred and the dutiesimposed by law upon the Adjutant General shall be exercised or performed byhim under the direction and control of the Governor. The Adjutant Generalshall serve at the pleasure of the Governor for a term coincident with thatof the Governor. No person shall be appointed Adjutant General who shall nothave had at least ten years' commissioned service in the Virginia NationalGuard in at least field grade. The Adjutant General, while serving as such,may be a member of the Virginia National Guard.
The Adjutant General shall receive a salary prescribed by law.
(1927, p. 106; 1930, p. 951; Michie Code 1942, §§ 585(62), 2673(12); 1948, p.48; R. P. 1948, § 44-11; 1964, c. 227.)