§ 44-11.1. Duties of the Department of Military Affairs.
A. The Department of Military Affairs shall support the objectives of theGovernor and federal authorities by:
1. Administering and employing the Virginia Militia, as set forth in § 44-1;
2. Integrating into state operations all supporting Department of Defensecapabilities and those forces provided by supporting states in a Title 32 orState Active Duty status;
3. Providing for the safety of citizens of the Commonwealth by maintainingorder and public safety and assisting in counter-drug efforts, in cooperationwith Virginia State Police and local law-enforcement agencies;
4. Preparing and executing contingency plans to provide for a timely andcapable response to chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or explosiveincidents;
5. Preparing and executing contingency plans necessary for the provision ofhomeland defense;
6. Ensuring the support to families of service members of the VirginiaNational Guard;
7. Administering a state at-risk program for youth; and
8. Recruiting a force sufficiently manned and trained to accomplish the aboveduties.
B. The Department of Military Affairs shall perform such other duties as maybe designated by the Governor.
(2007, cc. 127, 728.)