§ 44-111. Replacement of lost or damaged property.
Whenever any military property issued to the militia of the Commonwealthshall have been lost, damaged, or destroyed, and upon report of adisinterested survey officer of the armed forces or militia it shall appearthat the loss, damage or destruction of property was due to carelessness orneglect, or that its loss, damage or destruction could have been avoided bythe exercise of reasonable care, the money value of such property shall becharged against the bond of the officer or enlisted person, if bonded. Ifsuch officer or enlisted person is not bonded, the value of such propertyshall be charged to such officer or enlisted person, and the pay of suchofficer or enlisted person from both federal and state funds at any timeaccruing may be stopped and applied to the payment of any such indebtednessuntil the same is discharged. In addition thereto, any officer accountable orresponsible for military property shall be liable on his bond to theCommonwealth and the United States Property and Fiscal Officer as accounting,accountable and responsible officer for any lost, damaged, or destroyedproperty for which he is accountable or responsible.
(1930, p. 969; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(96); 1958, c. 393.)