§ 44-114. Allowances made to organizations from state appropriations.
For the necessary expenses of the maintenance of the National Guard and thenaval militia, to include the providing of one flag of the Commonwealth ofVirginia to the next of kin of any individual, upon his death, who wasserving in or honorably served for a period of 20 years in and retired fromthe Virginia National Guard, the Adjutant General shall annually allot toeach organization or unit such amounts as may in his judgment be advisable,and as may be available from the appropriation to the Department of MilitaryAffairs, such allotment to be based upon such scheme of distribution as mayappear equitable to the Adjutant General and best suited to the needs of themilitary forces of the Commonwealth.
(1930, p. 970; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(99); R. P. 1948, § 44-114; 1999, c.667; 2004, c. 12.)