§ 44-115. Custom and usage of United States army, air force and navy;applicability of § 44-40 and Article 4 of this chapter.
All matters relating to the organization, discipline and government of theVirginia National Guard, not otherwise provided for by law or by regulations,shall be decided by the custom and usage of the United States army, air forceor navy, as appropriate. In addition, all members of the Virginia StateDefense Force, the naval militia, and the unorganized militia on state activeduty shall be subject to military discipline. Infractions of militarydiscipline shall be punishable under the provisions of § 44-40 and Article 4(§ 44-42 et seq.) of this chapter.
(1930, p. 970; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(100); 1964, c. 227; 1984, c. 765;1989, c. 414.)