§ 44-117. Officers of Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Women'sInstitute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin College, the Fishburne MilitarySchool, the Massanutten Military Academy, and Virginia Polytechnic Instituteand State University to be officers of militia.
The officers of the Virginia Military Institute, the Virginia Women'sInstitute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin College, the Fishburne MilitarySchool, the Massanutten Military Academy, and the Commandant of Cadets andAssistant Commandants of Cadets of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute andState University shall be commissioned officers of the Virginia militia,unorganized, and subject to the orders of the Governor and the same rules andregulations as to discipline provided for other commissioned officers of themilitary organizations of the Commonwealth. The Governor is authorized anddirected to issue commissions to the professors, assistant professors andother officers of the Virginia Military Institute, the Fishburne MilitarySchool, the Massanutten Military Academy, and the Virginia Women's Institutefor Leadership at Mary Baldwin College, according to the rank prescribed bythose institutions; and to the Commandant of Cadets and Assistant Commandantsof Cadets of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University. Suchpersons shall be eligible to receive and to continue to hold suchcommissions, regardless of age, for so long as they continue to be officers,professors or assistant professors of the Virginia Military Institute, theVirginia Women's Institute for Leadership at Mary Baldwin College, theFishburne Military School, the Massanutten Military Academy, or theCommandant of Cadets or Assistant Commandants of Cadets of VirginiaPolytechnic Institute and State University. The governing boards of eachinstitution shall recommend to the Governor the rank to which such eligiblepersons shall be commissioned, but the following determination of such rankshall be made by the Governor. Commissions in such militia issued suchpersons by the Governor shall not entitle any person holding the same to anypay or emolument by reason thereof unless he be assigned to duty by order ofthe Governor with the Virginia National Guard; and in such event, the rank ofsuch officer shall be relatively inferior to that of all other officers ofthe same grade in the Virginia National Guard.
(1930, p. 970; Michie Code 1942, § 2673(102); 1958, c. 393; 1978, c. 384;2001, c. 77; 2006, c. 123; 2007, c. 818.)