§ 44-19. Adjutant General to have charge of military property.
The Adjutant General shall have charge and care of all state militaryproperty and all United States military property issued to the Commonwealthof Virginia, and shall cause to be kept an accurate and careful account ofall receipts and issues of the same. He shall require to be kept carefulmemoranda of all public military property on hand in the state arsenal orstorehouses, and in the possession of the several organizations of theVirginia National Guard or issued to the Virginia State Defense Force, andshall guard such property against injury and loss to the extent of hisability. He shall require every accountable and responsible officer of theNational Guard to account for every deficiency in public military property inhis possession immediately after such deficiency is discovered. The AdjutantGeneral shall have the care and control of the state military reservationnear Virginia Beach, and of such other real estate as the Commonwealth mayacquire for military purposes, and it shall be the duty of the AdjutantGeneral to provide for the proper care of such property and buildingsthereon. For the maintenance, upkeep and improvement of the militaryreservation or reservations, the Adjutant General may expend from theappropriation to the Department of Military Affairs such amounts as may benecessary.
(1930, pp. 950, 952; Michie Code 1942, §§ 2673(11), 2673(13); 1944, p. 24; R.P. 1948, § 44-19; 1958, c. 393; 1989, c. 414.)